InterMask: 3D Human Interaction Generation via Collaborative Masked Modelling

University of Alberta, Canada
InterMask teaser image.

InterMask generates high fidelity text-conditioned 3D human interactions, with accurate spatial and temporal coordination

Generating realistic 3D human-human interactions from textual descriptions remains a challenging task. Existing approaches, typically based on diffusion models, often generate unnatural and unrealistic results. In this work, we introduce InterMask, a novel framework for generating human interactions using collaborative masked modeling in discrete space. InterMask first employs a VQ-VAE to transform each motion sequence into a 2D discrete motion token map. Unlike traditional 1D VQ token maps, it better preserves fine-grained spatio-temporal details and promotes spatial awareness within each token. Building on this representation, InterMask utilizes a generative masked modeling framework to collaboratively model the tokens of two interacting individuals. This is achieved by employing a transformer architecture specifically designed to capture complex spatio-temporal interdependencies. During training, it randomly masks the motion tokens of both individuals and learns to predict them. In inference, starting from fully masked sequences, it progressively fills in the tokens for both individuals. With its enhanced motion representation, dedicated architecture, and effective learning strategy, InterMask achieves state-of-the-art results, producing high-fidelity and diverse human interactions. It outperforms previous methods, achieving an FID of 5.154 (vs 5.535 for in2IN) on the InterHuman dataset and 0.399 (vs 5.207 for InterGen) on the InterX dataset. Additionally, InterMask seamlessly supports reaction generation without the need for model redesign or fine-tuning.

Approach Overview

InterMask teaser image.

Overview of InterMask. (a) Individual motions are quantized through vector quantization (VQ) to obtain 2D tokens for each. (b) Motion tokens from both individuals are flattened, concatenated, masked and predicted collaboratively by the Inter-M Transformer. (c) Each block in Inter-M Transformer consists of Self, Spatio-Temporal and Cross Attention modules to learn complex spatio-temporal dependencies within and between both interacting individuals.

Generation Gallery

Everyday Actions




We compare InterMask against a strong diffusion model baseline approach, InterGen. In contrast to InterGen, InterMask exhibits superior motion and interaction quality, text adherence and avoidance of implicit biases.

The first person is sitting on a chair, their hands resting in their lap, while the other person takes a step towards them



Two people bow to each other



One person sneaks up on the other from behind



The first person raises the right leg aggressively towards the second



Application: Reaction Generation

We showcase InterMask's capability to perform the reaction generation task, where the motion of one individual is generated depending on the provided reference motion of the other, with and without text descriptions. The reference motion is shown in pink, and the generated motion is shown in blue.


  title={InterMask: 3D Human Interaction Generation via Collaborative Masked Modelling}, 
  author={Muhammad Gohar Javed and Chuan Guo and Li Cheng and Xingyu Li},